Broken Tooth Repair - Several Choices
A lot of people are suffering from chipped or broken teeth. Most of the foods you eat might contain solid ingredients like nuts, seeds, and bones which can cause your teeth to be broken. Repairing broken or chipped teeth is not that expensive. You just have to make sure that you get the right dentist and the appropriate procedure for the kind of problem that you have. In this article, you will be presented with the common fixes intended for broken or chipped teeth.

When your teeth broke, you should immediately get a treatment as early as possible. There are dentists that are available around the clock at so you can call them for any emergency especially in this kind of problem. When you get a quick solution from your broken or chipped teeth, then you will prevent the problem from becoming more serious and complicated. Below are the common treatment that you can get from a modern dentist to treat your broken or chipped teeth.

1. Filing Down - The most common treatment for a broken or chipped tooth is by filling it down. Then, it will be polished in order to round off the shard edges that might weaken tooth structure and injure the tongue. Filing is a cheap and least invasive treatment among all the treatments available. When the chip is just small, no further treatment or procedure will be required.

2. Bonding - Once the chip is larger that can be visible by the eye, then filing down may not be enough to solve the problem. Your tooth will never replace the chip on its own. Once it is chipped or broken, the damage will be permanent and you should go for restorative procedures in order for you to restore its beauty. Larger cracks should be have resin-based composite that will be bonded to the teeth and then shape and polish. The composite will look naturally and will restore the tooth structure.

3. Crown - When the crack of your tooth is larger, then the dentist will probably advice crowning the tooth. This is a procedure will involve placing solid protective cap into the top of the cracked tooth. The crown saves the remaining natural tooth and protects the other surrounding teeth from decaying.

4. Extraction - When the damage is so serious that bonding or crowning can no longer handle, then the tooth should be completely removed. In this procedure, the dentist from Rose L. Wang DMD and Associates will pull out the tooth and replace it with a false tooth. There are different methods to replace extracted tooth like dental implant, partial denture, and bridge.