Repairing a Broken Tooth
Our teeth are strong bones. However, there are times when we cannot avoid some accidents, falls and the likes, causing our tooth to break. If ever this happens, do not worry and panic. There are ways to repair them so that you will not be conscious to smile anymore. There are cosmetic procedures that will help your tooth like it has never been broken.

First, you have to visit a dentist like Rose L. Wang DMD and Associates immediately, two to three hours after the break to increase the chance of revival of your tooth and also decrease the chance of infection.

As much as possible, you have the save the pieces of your broken tooth. To make sure that you did not swallow the pieces, you need to spit everything from your mouth in a clean white napkin. You can rinse the piece under running water. Just make sure that you do not lose it.

You can also take over-the-counter drugs such as Non-Steriodal Anti-Inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs to ease the pain before you get a stronger local pain killer when you get to the doctor.

To decrease the chance of infection, you can rinse your mouth and gargle using warm water with salt.

In case your gums are bleeding, you need to apply clean gauze on the site for about 10 minutes to stop the bleeding. If it is not possible, you can apply cold water to help constrict the veins making the bleeding stop.

If you have sharp tooth, you have to cover it with paraffin wax, sugarless gum or temporary dental cement if available.

To relieve the pain and swelling, you can have cold application on the side of the broken tooth. It will make you comfortable while waiting to get to a dentist.
There are also dental options you can choose. There are four ways and it depends on the severity of the break. These are the filling or bonding, crown or cap, dental veneer and root canal. Dental filling is a way of repairing only small breaks, while dental bonding is a way of creating a model of the lost tooth using a resin before having to put it on to the broken tooth. Crown and cap are used in repairing bigger breaks. Dentists file the broken tooth and then put the crown or cap on top, making it healthy and looking great. Dental veneers are like false nails that are used to cover the tooth. Root canal is used when the pulp of the tooth is injured which has exposed the nerves and has opened up the tooth, making it susceptible to infection. The dentist will get the dead pulp removed, get the canal cleaned and get the crown fit over the broken tooth.

In times like these, it is important to consult a nashua dentist to avoid exacerbation of your broken tooth.